Friday 6 October 2017

Importance of FUE Hair Transplant Treatments For Hair Problems

Hair Transplant is a surgical treatment that works significantly by extracting hair from a hair-loss resistant area of the scalp and transplanting them on the recipient’s bald area. Various techniques are used for Hair Transplantation such as Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Mesotherapy, Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), PRP therapy, Robotic Hair Transplant etc.

Traditional surgical techniques contain a 6 to 10 inch strip with the upper layer of the skin, which is cut out from the back and sides of the scalp (referred as strip surgery). The surgeon sets it separately and sews the scalp closed. This area is instantly concealed by the hair around it. Then, these extracted hair units are implanted on the bald area. This technique is painful and leaves unpleasant scars and wounds at the back.

Present methods involve FUE that permits individual hair to be extracted straightly out of the donor area, which can then be rooted in the recipient site; thus upgrading the method by which hair transplant surgeries are performed. In case of FUE hair transplant in Delhi , the team of surgeon will shave the back of your scalp. Then one by one hair follicle gets eliminated from that part. This technique provides fruitful results for the restoration process of lost hair without any pain and scar.

The transplanted hair starts growing after 2-3 months at the rate of ½ cm/month. These restored locks can be trimmed and shampooed commonly and don’t require any major prescriptions for maintaining the growth as they grow naturally and permanently. You can refer to Radiance Cosmedic Centre in case you want to opt for the best Hair Transplant surgery at affordable cost.